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Mandy Shantyne Lopez

Founder. Creative Director. Executive Coach

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Hello Soul Alchemist, 

Thank you for bringing your attention, energy, and will to The CQ Portal. This vortex both physically and metaphorically is my life's work and it is here for the growth and development of us all. I welcome you to dive deeper and explore the depths of your infinite being. You are on this Earth in this space and time for a reason. In our Journey of finding our purpose, we invite you to refine, release, relax, and rejuvinate yourself in the process. Our normal education system left out everything about what it is to BE A HUMAN. So please consider this your Portal to awaken and remember the bold and powerful Mind, Body, and Energy Aura you possess. 


We are all infinite artists on a journey to reclaim all our dynamic soul pieces. As well as to activate our highest potential for this Super Natural Life. You already have everything in you that can unleash new worlds, opportunities, and circumstances. 

I welcome you to understand and to captivate your CQ, Creative Intelligence. Activating and understanding your unique Creative Intel and how it pertains to your life, will ignite you to be a Creative Force/Flow to be reckoned with. This world needs you to set your LIGHT ON FIRE. 





Executive Coach & Content Creator

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Life has a funny way of showing you your purpose...

My life taught me that we must cultivate our talents and get real about what it is that excites our true being. My experience is first as a trained performer of the theatre and performance artist. I studied the craft of acting very intensely during my first college degree. Acting & Performance is the in-depth study of psychology (the conscious and subconscious of the MIND, the physical BODY and its limits and non-limits,  the Emotional Body {Energy in Motion}, and the Energetic Body (Aura). 


After years of performance and then moving to the East Coast I dabbled in commercial roles and cameo TV appearances. My journey led me to be a Performance Coach, Mentor, Marketer, Public Speaking, and OnSet Coach for Actors, Models, and Executive Officials. This fun experience took me to work in LA, more of the West and East Coast, and all over the country. 

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During my ten-plus years of Performance Coaching, I was simultaneously obsessed and studying my second (or first) favorite subject, Metaphysics. At the time I was working for a Talent Management company in Florida and had the time to read, take courses, travel to workshops, and really commit to my metaphysical studies. I was also able to obtain a second degree from The University of Sedona (online remote study), in Metaphysical Sciences and ministry.  


This love of mine for the unseen, the world of energy, and the quantum nature of reality made me question my own current reality. That was in fact why are we are not furthering our Human exploration of the Energy & Aura field within ourselves and how it pertains to our daily life, occupation, and purpose. This is when I knew my new passion and direction would be to cultivate, educate, create content & immersive, artistic experiences to train others on the bases of Energy. 


So I Created The Portal for Creative Intelligence, a gallery space, and lab to explore and express these high potentials of energy within us all. Along the way I also created many other forms: the First Podcast "Transmissions of a Cosmic Woman", which turned into "Cosmic Native Conversations", which is yet again evolving into "Kosmic Native" with a K (just how the Greek's original spelled Kosmic). Then there was Cosmic Women Magazine, The Holy Paradox Awake Meditations, all of which can be found on Spotify or on the Sound Portal of this website. 

Most recently creating AURA CBD, a brand used in our Aromatherapy CBD Oxygen experience and available on The Portal's online store. So when people ask "Mandy what do you do?" I do a lot. Only because I know how to cultivate my skills of what I know I am good at and most importantly, passionate about, and so can YOU!

My Dad always says "If you are going to talk about your work or accomplishments, go for the home run!"

So above are a few people, events, creations, shows, writings, photography, and celebrities whom I worked with and cultivated my CQ. This is what I am talking about, once you are one with your Creative Intel, then everything starts to move and shift, fast! Maybe some might think, "well Mandy you are pretty obsessed with yourself always using your image or creating so many stories, images, courses, and resources. 


I would say, well yes! I love who I am in this life, my Mind, Body, and Spirit, and I feel excited to express my unique human design and blueprint. This is what I also consider my purposeful work. To assist others to also find their holistic alignments, to become one with the totality of all they are, to cultivate their talents and take risks. (Also, a lot goes into copyrights and I own my own images so that allows me to go as far as I want). I am very proud to have expanded my artistry internationally to Mexico and Amsterdam (my favorite place ever). 


So in a nutshell I would say presently I am a Creative Director, Quantum Guide, Actor, Photographer, Voice Over Artist, Writer, Business & Self Development Coach, Educator of the Aura Arts & Sound (Vibrations and Frequencies), a trained Mediator for the council of local governments, corporate businesses, and anything out of the court system (more about this in the next section), and finally all in all a Metaphysical Mystic. 


Connect with me for Soul Alchemy Insights

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Mediation is an approach used when two or more individuals (or business entities) need to resolve a conflict and chose to keep it out of the court system. This then allows them to come up with an agreement suitable for all parties and allows them to honor their agreements without a court order. Mediation is also a good form of practice in Mindfulness, Problem Solving, Communication, Creative Problem Solving, and facilitating Balance between two parties. 


My Paradoxical approach & over 200 hours of certified training allows me to facilitate these types of mediations. for more info, please connect here:



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Kosmic Native Conversations

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